
8 May 2023 - WoNO v17 - close

on 15th May, WoNO v17 will be closed.

It was the last edition on this engine.
Currently we are working on WoNO Remastered.

More info soon.

30 Mar 2023 - Shop and Exp Event

16 Feb 2023 - Kage Event and Giveaway

16 Feb 2023 - Small characters rework

Some of characters get small rework to make gameplay better

9 Feb 2023 - Event + Update + Quest + House Auctions

we have few things for you:
1) There was a client update to version v17.1 with new outfits/items/some small upgrades on bot, but if you want to have updated bot you have first remove the old one which is saved here: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/OTClientV8/WoNO, just remove folder "bot" and that's it.
So be sure to update it ASAP due to you will have some ERRORS or crashes on weekend.
Server will be updated on Monday right after server shutdown at 12:00, server will be closed for about 20 minutes 12:00-12:20

2) As you can see it's really crowdy on this edition, server wasn't that full for a few years. It's about 580/550 players most of the day, so it's hard for FACC to enter. There are so many PACC due to +3 free PACC days for siging into newsletter so soon we should be at 550/550~ and some lags should be gone by them.

3) There will be first time House Auctions, due to some bug which is causing random server freezes we disabled classic !buyhouse / !sellhouse

There are new rules on this edition for houses:
1) There is no rent
2) You are losing house when you are no longer PACC
3) So if you are the owner of house or you will win auction for a house, you can have it for whole edition if you are PACC.
4) Auctions will start Today and they will be until Sunday, in parts of 10~ houses.
First auctions will take place Today at 9:30 PM (Europe/Warsaw Time)
* Mavius will start auction for a specific house, he will start auction with base offer and than on special chat: "House Auctions"
you can bid this offer, the one who wins have to pay money immidietly.
* fake offers = BAN
* houses will be delivered on Monday at 12:00 when the update will start.
* 200 lv is required to talk on chat "House Auctions"
* 1 msg/20 sec cooldown
* Auction for one house will last for 5 mins, or until there will be no more offers for 30 sec~

Regards, WoNO Team

2 Feb 2023 - WoNO V17 Changelog v3

WoNO V17 Changelog v3
- Sai Hebi no Shushu CD changed to 20s
- Boruto Futon Dai Reppusho CD changed to 30s
- Deidara Nendo Trap CD changed to 45s
- Deidara Nendo Kibaku CD changed to 60s
- Nagato Gedo Rinne Tensei no Jutsu CD changed to 120s
- Nagato Bansho Tenin CD changed to 30s
- Kankuro Kiki Doku CD changed to 45s
- Asuma Chakra to Hien CD changed to 60s
- Naruto Kurama CD changed to 90s
- Naruto Kurama Chikara CD changed to 40s
- Itachi Amaterass CD changed to 75s
- Nagato Gakido changed to "Utamo Vita", like Ino's Chakra Control
- Nagato Shinra Tensei added 1s paralyze and CD changed to 40s
- Shinki Satetsu no Kabe changed to 20% distance dmg and 20% defense for 10 sec, CD changed to 90s
- Shinki Satetsu Kurogane no Tsubasa, changed jutsu to Make dot-mutilation on target (10x damage 4% health)
- Yugito Hiso Jump added 1s paralyze and CD changed to 20s
- Shikadai Kagemane no Jutsu Seko CD changed to 30s like Shikamaru
- Mizukage Futton Komu no Jutsu changed from self stun and defense to paralyze 2s
- Kakuzu Masks Hearts Relase changed duration from 10s to 7s and CD changed to 80s
- Deidara added new spell "Chakra Clay" with shared CD with Nendo Kibaku and Nendo Trap, All party members get 15% more damage from Ninjutsu for 7s, CD 60s
- Hiruzen Adamantine Charge changed to 100% defense for 3s, CD 30s, shared CD with Adamantine Jump
- Ino changed shared CD from Shintenshin and Shintenshigi to shared Shintenshigi and Chakra Control
- Blessed Monk previously could be used only with PACC, now you can use it on FACC account
- Raikage Raiton Shunshin no Jutsu CD changed to 30s
- Neutral Mode has been temporarily turned off
- Added 100% uncovered minimap to client
- Orochimaru Hebi no Shushu CD changed from 60s to 25s
- Orochimaru Kuchiyose no Jutsu CD changed from 60s to 75s
- Itachi Genjutsu Sharingan CD changed from 10s to 15s
- Kiba Akamaru Run % health changed from 30% to 45%
- Bigger AoE Damage for Mizukage - Yoton Arare
- Bigger AoE Damage for Daruia - Kuroi Kaminari
- Bigger AoE Damage for Chocho - Chodan Sensha
- Ancient Misticalus task is now for 800 level

30 Jan 2023 - WoNO V17 Changelog v2

WoNO V17 Changelog v2
- New Uchiha respawns
- New Senju Respawns
- New Legendary Outfit for Hidan
- New Legendary Outfit for Hiruzen
- New Legendary Outfit for Haku
- New Legendary Outfit for Kakuzu
- New Legendary Outfit for Shisui
- New Legendary Outfit for Shikamaru
- New Legendary Outfit for Itachi
- Jutsu:
Sasuke - Setsuna -> Instant Move + Stun for 2 sec
Sasuke - Chidorigatana -> deleted
Sasuke - Susanou changed into Susanou Atk and Susanou Def.
Sai - Hebi no Shushu -> Stun for 1 sec and super speed for 5 sec
Shikamaru - Kagemane no Jutsu Seko [CD] -> from 60 to 30 sec.
Shikamaru - Nara Kangaeru -> Health +40% and dexterity +50 for 15 sec.
Jiraiya - Doton Doryu Heki -> Added.
Yamato/Hashirama - Jukai Kotan -> Fixed.
Hashirama - Jubaku Eiso -> Added.
Raikage - Raiton Shunshin no Jutsu -> Instant Move + Stun for 2 sec
Kisame - Suiton Chikara -> Health +40% and dexterity +50 for 15 sec
Kisame - Samehada Fusion -> Taijutsu +25%, defense +15% for 10 sec
Nagato - Bansho tenin [CD] -> from 60 to 40 sec.
Shinki - Satetsu Kurogane no Tsubasa -> 10x Damage Combo to target (20% less damage)
Zabuza - Kubikiribocho -> Instant Move + Stun for 2 sec

More info soon.

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